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Truck Driver Starts To Tip Over On The Highway — Then Pulls Off A Crazy Recovery

Did you know that each year around 1.3 million people will die in a traffic accident? Staggering. When you are driving, you really have to pay attention to what the other drivers are doing.

Sometimes you can avoid an accident by watching the other cars around you or ahead of you. Not everyone is paying as much attention to the road as they should while they drive.


Image Credit: N/A

The truck driver in South Korea had lost control of his truck while speeding along the highway. Something happened that made him slam on the brakes and his truck veered wildly.


Image Credit: N/A

Somehow he manages to avoid a major accident by – well, I have no idea how he was able to get the truck back under control! Check out the video!

I wonder what the people in that car where thinking! Did they even know how close that was? Share away, people!