Natasha Fuller has always been bubbly and happy, brightening up the life of teacher Jodi Schmidt every single day with her smiles and positivity. But what Ms. Schmidt didn’t know was that the eight-year-old’s smile was a greater symbol of her strength that she could have imagined.
The Oakfield Elementary School student was born with a rare condition called Eagle-Barrett syndrome, or prune belly syndrome, whereby she suffers urinary tract conditions and requires a kidney transplant in time.

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In addition to dialysis treatments thrice weekly, Natasha was also living separately from her parents and her twin sister Brookelynn, who were in Oklahoma. Natasha stayed with her grandparents so she could easily be treated at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.

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After renal failure, Natasha was in desperate need of a new kidney. But her regular infections meant repeatedly being moved off her spot in the transplant list, and she had no donor. It wasn’t long before Ms. Schmidt found out about her student’s life-or-death situation, and she knew she had to help.

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Ms. Schmidt discussed the situation with her family, then decided to go get tested so she could see if her kidneys would be a match for Natasha. When she got word back, it was good news, so she set up a meeting with Natasha’s grandma, Chris Burleton. Chris expected she was there to talk about Natasha’s grades, so she was confused when a big present box was handed to her.

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As soon as Chris opened the box, tears welled in her eyes and she leaped out of her chair. Natasha was called into the room, too, and when she found out what this meant, her reaction was beyond amazing. Check out the video to see what happened!
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