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Mom Boils Toilet Paper After Going Through Hard Times, Shares Results That Stun The Internet

When faced with an insurmountable problem, some people turn to drugs or alcohol, but former Marine Amber Mills uses her creativity to help distract her from her woes. When Mills, mother of three, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she became depressed. But, when she heard about a contest – she decided to give it a …

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93-Year-Old Bride Asks The Internet To Help Her Pick Her Wedding Dress: A, B, C or D?

Sylvia Martin, 93, is getting married to her long-time friend Frank Raymond, 88 next month! The only trouble is that she is having a hard time picking her dress. The great-grandmother from Canberra, Australia had four dresses that she really liked. To help her with this very important decision a friend went to Facebook and …

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