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Teen Tortured By Sadistic Family For Years, Escapes And Gets Massive Revenge

A teenager known only as “Kyle” from northern California was starved, beaten, and chained to a fireplace for more than a year. Kyle finally escaped from his captors in 2008 using a trampoline and jumping over a fence. A witness reported that after his escape, Kyle asked to be hidden way, Kyle was sixteen years …

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Mayor Cuts Down Man’s 30-Year-Old Tree, He Revenges Him In The Best Possible Way

Revenge. Sometimes we dream about extracting the best revenge on those who have done us wrong. We hate that someone has gotten the better of us or did something to embarrass us and we want them to suffer the same pain and humiliation. Revenge isn’t practical or very adult, however, and many of us don’t …

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Leopard Gets Its Revenge After Man Pokes It With A Stick

Releasing wild animals is often seen as lovely, beautiful moment – and it is. But, depending on the animal you are setting free, it can also be tragic and devastating. The two men in this video were releasing a leopard back into the wild. One man couldn’t help himself and thought it would be fun …

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