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Mom Lays Her 19-Week-Old Baby On Her Chest To Bid Him Goodbye

Premature babies face a hard-uphill climb to survive because their organs haven’t had time to develop fully. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the complications associated with preterm births include immature lungs, poor feeding, slow weight gain, and difficulty regulating body temperature. Most preterm babies require more intense care in the nursery, special medication, …

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Smallest Preemie Baby Defies All Odds Despite Being Born With Feet The Size Of Pennies

For many parents, the thought of having biological children of their own and raising a family is the ultimate goal. Having a child is no small commitment either- just trying for a child can be incredibly stressful for many would-be parents, and is a journey fraught with far too many perils and heartbreaks. Either parents …

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