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Man Tries To Kidnap 10-Year-Old Girl But Has No Idea Her Dog Is Watching Her Back

Dogs are man’s best friend – and continue to prove it over and over (and over)! On July 28, a 10-year-old girl in Virginia was approached and physically assaulted by a stranger while she was walking her dog at about 3:45 pm. The man grabbed her arm, but didn’t expect the dog to react! The …

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Employee Saves Child From Kidnapper, Instead Of Promotion Gets This Letter Saying He’s Fired

If you have to step away from your work for a few minutes to prevent a crime from occurring, most bosses would say that’s a pretty reasonable and acceptable excuse. But apparently, nothing is a good enough reason for Home Depot. Dillon Reagan, a 32-year-old man from Portland, Oregon, witnessed a woman and her child …

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Kidnapper Snatches Baby Boy But Wasn’t Expecting His Tiny Sister To Chase Him Down

Some people can stoop to the lowest level humanity has ever known. Take an example of this one man who had the plans of kidnapping a baby boy he saw playing with his siblings in a park next to their babysitters. The babysitters were supposedly supervising 10-year-old Brenden, 8-year-old Delicia and 22-month-old Owen Wright on …

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