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Monster Burns Off This Baby Goat’s Horns, But Rescuers Come Up With A Brilliant Solution

We have heard that poachers remove the horns from rhinos for traditional medicine or to sell. But, have you ever heard of people removing goat horns?! The goat you see here was frankly mutilated by an inexperienced veterinarian. The horns were burned off, and they will never grow back. The goat’s owner had been persuaded …

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Armed Cowards Barge Into Famous Rhino Orphanage To Kill Babies For Their Horns

Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage is a sanctuary for orphaned rhinos. Most of the animals that live at the refuge have lost their families to poachers. The unthinkable happened just a few nights ago at Thula Thula. Two rhinos, Impy and Gugu, were shot – and they were just infants. Two armed men stormed onto the …

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