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People In South Africa Believe This ‘Creature’ Born To A Sheep Was Sent By The Devil

One look at this seemingly unnatural animal had superstitious villagers living in fear! Most of the residents of Lady Frere in Eastern Province, South Africa thought that witchcraft and bestiality were responsible for the birth of the creature. But, in reality it was just a lamb that was born deformed. Clearly, the animal suffered problems …

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Experts Have Finally Identified The ‘Alien’ Creature Captured By A Mexican Fisherman

Jaime Rendon and some fellow fisherman came face to face with something they had never seen before! They were about a mile off the Los Cabos coast of Mexico when Rendon, felt a strong pull on his pole. After a few minutes, Rendon was able to pull in what could only be described as a …

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A Creature Was Just Caught On Film In The Desert And Experts Are Stumped

In almost every part of the world, there is a legendary creature or being that exists within stories passed down from generation to generation. Although it is rarely ever possible to prove or disprove the existence of these beings, the amount of eyewitness reports that testify to having seen them is enough to make many …

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