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This Man Turned To His Friends To Help Him Remove The Cause Of Pain In His Ear (Video)

Have you ever had a moth crawl into your ear and decided to move in? As in never come out?! Me either – but, a man identified as Mikey did and he sort of freaked out and I can’t blame him! In the video, Mikey is rolling around on the floor after the moth flew …

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Tiny Bug Is Killing 100s Of Dogs And Children. If They Get Bit, Take Them To The Hospital Asap

Most insects are just simply pests and harmless but not this particular insect. This insect, known as the “Kissing” or “Assassin” bug is responsible for the death of over 400 dogs in Texas. These insects carry the Trypanosoma Cruzi parasite, which causes the deadly “Chagas Disease.” The kissing bug feeds on blood from dogs and are usually …

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Guy Who Decides To Touch Strange Bug He’s Never Seen Is Left In Utter Disbelief

My general rule of thumb is not to touch and bugs – not on purpose anyway! There are a lot of people out there who feel the same – but not the man in this video! While out hiking, he saw an unusual creature and decided to give it a gentle touch. The rather unassuming …

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