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Daycare Worker Wipes Blood Away From 4-Year-Old Girl’s Mouth To Hide His Crime

Daycare workers have to get a background check (normally) before they can work with young children. Sadly, not all of the people who work with children have the temperament or patience. Gregory Diglin is one of those people. Digling worked at Children’s Lighthouse Daycare located in Spring, Texas. He was charged with causing bodily harm …

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Officers Find 2-Year-Old With Blood Running Down Leg, Somalian Man Arrested

A woman was living in South Dublin, Ireland with her two young daughters. Tragically, a Somalian national living in the country allegedly mutilated the genitals of the woman’s 2-year-old daughter. The man was arrested back in September 2016. He faces a fine of more than $11,000 and could get up to 14 years in jail. …

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