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10-Year-Old Boy With Autism Arrested, Mom Outraged At Reason Why (Video)

In Florida, a ten-year-old autistic boy from Okeechobee Achievement Academy was arrested on April 12, 2017, on felony battery charges. The boy, John Haygood, had been expelled in October 2016 after attacking his teacher. Haygood had been throwing paper, hitting other students, and being disruptive. When the teacher asked him to take a time out, …

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Judge Makes Unexpected Decision Regarding Teen Who Severely Abused Autistic Boy

The severe lightening of a sentence on Lauren Bush, 17, from Maryland for her charges of distribution of an obscene video and second-degree assault on a 16-year-old autistic boy has caused an uproar among those involved. Identified only by his middle name, the victim of the crimes, Michael has been put through hell thanks to …

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