At a market in Vera, Spain, Lianne Powell found an underweight stray dog with an injured leg. As all good Samaritans do, Lianne took the dog to Ellen Sobry, a veterinarian at Clinivet Turre Clinica Veterinary. Ellen saw evidence that the dog had recently given birth (she was still producing milk). That meant there were some puppies out there without their mother. Ellen shared this amazing story on Facebook.
After setting the dog’s broken leg, she and Lianne took the momma dog back to where she was found. They hoped that the dog would lead them to where her litter was – she did. The walk they took was just about a mile.
The dog walked all that way with her cast on. They ended up at an abandoned house. In the yard was a car. The dog walked right up to the car and hopped in. Her puppies were there all lying on top of each other – all ten of them!

Image Credit: Clinivet Turre Clinica Veterinaria