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Former Pet Squirrel Comes Back Home To Play With Lifelong Friend, The Family Cat

Squirrels are just about everywhere. They skitter around the ground in what seems like an endless search for food. They dash across the street and race up and around tree trunks. You don’t often see a squirrel interact with any other animals, though. Squirrels like to hang out with other squirrels. Unless you are the squirrel in this video.

This squirrel likes to play with Cuddles, a ginger cat. An unlikely friendship indeed! Watch as the squirrel pounces Ginger and Ginger playfully bats the squirrel. According to the YouTuber Hmeskens, the squirrel used to be a pet, but he ran away when he got older. Every so often the squirrel will return to play with his old buddy, Ginger.

Take a look at this video!

Animals do love, have feelings, and remember! This shouldn’t come as a shock to animal lovers out there. Share away, people!