This is the story of a true love between a couple – not even death can erase its existence.
Ex-military man Jake Reissing mourns and misses his wife everyday since her death – he takes time off to pay a simple yet meaningful visit to his wife’s grave.
He also weeds her grave and decorates it with fresh flowers, handpicked from his garden, just for her.
His son, Roger, posted about his father on Facebook with pride. He stated that he is extremely proud of his parents – especially his dad.
Since his mother died more than 2 years ago, his father has kept to the same routine ever since.

Image Credit: Jake Reissig / Facebook
Now that is true love – he’s a great husband and father!

Image Credit: Jake Reissig / Facebook
True love actually exists, but it takes time to find someone who will truly care and remember you.
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