Ears down, tail between the back legs, no eye contact. It doesn’t and animal expert to realize that this dog is scared and maybe even depressed.
The 12-year-old German Shepherd-Lab mix was living at the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society in Virginia.
His name is Jack. The moment Jack arrived, he put his face in the corner of the kennel and stood there.
To go outside, someone had to carry him because he wouldn’t move. Jack had lived a life of neglect and abuse and now found himself at the shelter.
Jack was a little more lively when he went outside.

Image Credit: Susie’s Senior Dogs / Facebook
But for a solid month, Jack was withdrawn and avoided looking at people.

Image Credit: Susie’s Senior Dogs / Facebook
Susie’s Senior Dogs found out about Jack and promised to work with him and help him.
They posted a message on Facebook and said that they wanted Jack to be surrounded by love and compassion for the rest of his life.

Image Credit: Susie’s Senior Dogs / Facebook
Jack sort of became popular after that post, many people expressed interest in adopting Jack.
This is the lucky lady who became Jack’s mom. Look, even Jack is smiling – something we haven’t seen him do!

Image Credit: Susie’s Senior Dogs / Facebook
Senior dogs and cats have a harder time getting adopted. Jack was a lucky boy to have found his new mom. There is no doubt he will be well-taken care of from now on!
Visit Susie’s Senior dog’s website and find out why you shouldn’t be afraid of adopting a senior dog.

Image Credit: Susie’s Senior Dogs / Facebook
On the site, you will find inspirational adoption stories.
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