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10-Week-Old Puppy Found In A Box On The Side Of The Road

Deputy Earl Hanners found an abandoned 10-week-old puppy in a box near Atlanta, Georgia. It was a blistering 87 degrees that day when he heard the puppy crying from inside a cardboard box. According to Hanners, the box was closed, and a passerby had opened the box and laid it on its side and gave the pup water and food.

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners

When Hanners finished with the call he was working, he went to check on the puppy. Just look at the poor dog – no puppy who is healthy is just going to lay lifeless on the ground like that.

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners

Hanners scooped up the dog and took her home. He named her Bridget and set her up with towels, food, and water.

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners

It didn’t take long for Hanners to fall in love with this black and white cutie! He didn’t try to find her a home, she already had a home with him!

dog rescued from box

Image Credit: Earl Hanners