When you are in college, you go to class and do your work – eventually, if you pass the classes you graduate! Sometimes, you miss a class and hope your professor understands why you missed.
I can tell you from personal experience (as the teacher) it is best, to tell the truth about being absent. Lying about it is the worst thing you can do because you could eventually be found out. Morgan King, 21, is a single mom taking classes at the University of Tennessee.

Image Credit: Morgan King / Twitter
She had to miss class because she couldn’t find daycare, and she told her professor the truth about her absence. The response she got from her professor has gone viral! The professor, Dr. Sally Hunter, told King how she could make up the work she missed and told her the next time she can’t find a sitter to bring her daughter with her to class!
Hunter worked for the Department of Child and Family Studies and didn’t have any problem with King holding her daughter during class! Hunter also offered to help King in any other way!

Image Credit: Morgan King / Twitter
King shared the reply she got from Dr. Hunter on Twitter and it was retweeted 5,000 times, and it earned 26,000 likes! King said she was brought to tears because finding an understanding teacher is so hard these days.

Image Credit: Morgan King / Twitter
Again, as an instructor, I have to say finding an honest student is just as rare! Hunter says that her offer wasn’t anything special – it was just a decent thing to do!
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