Meet Charlotte the horse, who had been serving for more than 4 years in the Houston Police Department. Her partner was Houston Police Officer Herrejon, and they were very close. However, Charlotte met an unfortunate end during one of her usual patrols along Huston streets – the duo past a cement truck which caused the horse to get spooked, panicking as a result of the loud noise.

Image Credit: Houston Police Department / Facebook
Officer Herrejon got bucked from Charlotte’s back, and the horse got tragically knocked down by a passing car. Officer Herrejon was stricken with grief and stayed behind to look after her – he had hoped that she would be alright. Alas, their time together came to an end after the accident.

Image Credit: Houston Police Department / Facebook
The Houston Police Department honored Charlotte’s presence as part of their local police force – she had served well during her lifespan.

Image Credit: Houston Police Department / Facebook
Rest in peace, Charlotte!

Image Credit: Houston Police Department / Facebook
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