Here you go all you doubters – another story about how brave and loyal pit bulls can be. Ace, a 2-year-old pit bull woke his human up in the middle of the night. Nick Lamb, thirteen, was born deaf and had been napping on July 16, 2014, when the house caught on fire. Nick had turned off his cochlear implant and couldn’t hear the fire alarms.
As soon as Ace started to lick his face, Nick woke up and smelled the smoke. Nick was able to text his mom and call the fire department. Everyone made it out of the house safe. The fire destroyed the house in just a short time. Watch the video and hear the story straight from Nick.
Take a look at this video
This just goes to show that if raised with love any dog can be a loyal (non-aggressive) dog. Ace is truly a hero! Share away, people.