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Confused Patients See A Cat Visiting The ICU Then Get The Surprise Of A Lifetime

You have probably heard of therapy dogs – right? Well, you are about to meet a therapy cat! His name is Duke Ellington Morris, a handsome black and white fellow. In this video, Duke Ellington is going to make a visit to the intensive care unit. Why you ask? Because it is Duke’s job to cheer up the patients, and Duke takes that job very seriously!

I like how they move Duke from room to room! I don’t imagine many cats are willing to ride on a cart like that. So, to those of you out there who thought cats were too aloof or callous – this is the proof that cats are not those things. Well, not all cats.

Take a look at this video

I have a handful of cats at my house, and some of them are more standoffish than others. But I have not met a cat who isn’t willing to love and be loved. Share away, people!