A twenty-year-old man gave his sister, 16, high-potency marijuana (aka “dabs”) so he could have sex with her.
KRCR reported that Nolan Bruder let his sister smoke until she didn’t recognize him anymore.
As his punishment, Judge William H. Follett decided it was best to give Bruder three years in jail and probation.

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Oh, and all but 240 days of that three-year sentence were suspended.
Judge Follett says his decision has the “stigma” of conviction and it will deter other perverts in the area from committing similar offences. Really?

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I don’t see that sentence as a punishment at all.
Del Norte District Attorney Dale P. Trigg said that the sentence sends the message that this type of behavior will not lead to any meaningful consequence which isn’t something that a community needs.

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During sentencing, the Judge made note that the victim was conscious and took off her own clothing.
He failed to recognize that before getting high on marijuana, the girl had refused her brother several times.

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Even though Bruder confessed to the crime when he was questioned, the judge felt there wasn’t enough evidence for a jury to convict Bruder.

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Deputy District Attorney Annamarie Padilla told the judge during the sentencing hearing that the Probation Department recommended a six-year jail sentence for such crime.
But the judge didn’t feel that was an appropriate term.

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Blue Lives Matter reported that this crime happened before Brock Turner got just three months for assaulting an unconscious woman in California.
Justice was not served in either case.
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