Many people watch what they eat and try to make healthy choices. When you are at home, making those healthy choices is probably a little easier. But things can fall apart rather quickly when you go out to eat. The choices we have available are overwhelming and tempting.

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Diet sodas are a favorite drink, but scientists are now warning people that those low-calorie beverages may drastically increase your chances of being diagnosed with dementia or having a stroke. Diet sodas are full of sugar. The scientist from Boston University haven’t found a direct link between the sugary sodas and the illnesses but are urging people to drink milk or water.

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Bottom line – diet sodas are not a healthy alternative. The researchers had over 4,000 adults over the age of 45 fill out a survey that detailed their food intake during the 1990s. The scientists found that an adult who drank one or more diet beverage was 3 times more likely to have a stroke and 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia (compared to adults who didn’t drink diet sodas).

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The artificial sweeteners saccharin and aspartame may be to blame. The researchers concluded that their study shows that more work needs to be done to find the link between diet sodas and the increased chance of developing these illnesses.

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Rachel Johnson, the former chairwoman of the American Heart Association, said that limiting your sugar intake is a sound strategy and people should use caution when drinking beverages with artificial sweeteners.
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