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No, This Teen Doesn’t Have A Disease. You Won’t Believe What’s On His Neck In Viral Mugshot (Photo)

It is sometimes so bizarre to me what kinds of stories go viral. Take this photo, for example. It is the mugshot taken after Micah Musser, 18, was arrested and charged with criminal trespass and unlawful transaction with a minor in Kentucky. Do you notice anything about the photo that would cause an internet sensation? Check out his neck – those are hickeys and a lot of them.

hickeys on teen

Image Credit: Facebook

Keep in mind this kid is 18 years old. As you probably already know, a hickey is a red mark that a person gets on their skin where someone has bitten or sucked on the area as part of a sexual act. I am not sure why this story has to go viral.

hickeys on teen

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Does anyone really care how many hickeys an 18-year-old has? Maybe people are jealous that this guy is getting so much action. Did you know that in an extremely rare incident a teenager in Mexico City died after his hickey caused a blood clot?

hickeys on teen

Image Credit: Facebook