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Mother Sues Doc Over Drunk Delivery, Claims It Caused Son’s Irreversible Injuries

When Alex Sims went into her labor, her doctor was on vacation.

The on-call obstetrician and gynecologist called in was Dr. Frank DeLee, but when he arrived, Sheree, Alex’s mom, could smell alcohol on his breath.

Not a comforting thing to have your doctor under the influence! Dr. DeLee told everyone he had just been at happy hour!

Dr. DeLee was also wearing shorts and came into the room barefoot! Alex’s baby was born but suffered nerve damage in his arm due to the rough delivery Dr. DeLee performed.

Alex now is suing Dr. DeLee for malpractice.

Dr. DeLee has at least a half dozen reports of malpractice suits filed against him.

Take a look at this video

Is it just me or does this doctor need to stop practicing medicine?

It is clear he is no longer fit to deliver babies and needs to be stripped of his license.

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