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Mom Asks Zoo To Film Her Kids, But When Camera Pans Left, Trainer Asks Them To Run

Who doesn’t love to go to the zoo or the aquarium? You get to see so many exotic animals, and it is just a good time for everyone. At some animal exhibits, you may even get to see the trainers interact with the animals – how cool is that? I have always secretly wished that I was an animal trainer!

In this video, we are treated to a visit to the Brookfield Zoo and their dolphins. Two little girls, Nataja and Jorja, are called up to help the trainer with the dolphins! As it turns out, the dolphins are not really the ‘star’ of this show! Keep your eye on the trainer and listen to the announcer!

Take a look at this video

For the past eight months, the two girls have been missing their father, Army Sgt. Keith Howse, who has been overseas in Afghanistan. This is their reunion with dad!

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