Introducing Symba – the rather enormous shelter cat who is in need of a new forever home! Symba is six years old and is living at the Humane Rescue Alliance located in Washington, D.C. According to the shelter, Symba’s owner was moving and wouldn’t be able to keep him.

Image Credit: Humane Rescue Alliance
At a whopping 35 pounds, Symba has made quite an impression on shelter workers who have never seen such a big cat! According to the staff (and you can tell from the pictures), Symba is a laid back, easy going boy!

Image Credit: Humane Rescue Alliance
He basically loves to be petted and loved. He is in good health – but is quite overweight. The shelter has started Symba on an exercise and diet program to help him shed those excess pounds.

Image Credit: Humane Rescue Alliance
No one is quite sure why he put on all those pounds in the first place. But since a cat can live a very long life, it is important that Symba gets back to a more healthy weight, so he doesn’t develop any health problems.
The shelter is currently accepting applications for his new home. The most important thing is that whoever adopts Symba will need to keep him on his diet. The shelter said they are looking for someone who will be diligent in his weight loss program.

Image Credit: Humane Rescue Alliance
If you are interested or know someone who would be a good parent to Symba contact the Humane Rescue Alliance in Washington, D.C., You can even stop in in person to see Symba for yourself! Share away, people!