When you think of Marines, chances are you think of strict, disciplined soldiers – but that’s because you haven’t seen this video! If there’s one group of people who really knows how to throw down and have a great time, it’s them!
At a dinner event celebrating the Marine Corps 238th birthday called the Birthday Ball, these Marines put together an incredible performance – a mash-up of two Macklemore songs, “Thrift Shop” and “Can’t Hold Us”, but with the lyrics from the first song being rewritten to “Cash Sales” instead, which is something many who have been in the military will understand!

Image Credit: YouTube
A DJ, a rapper, a singer, and the entire marching band gets involved in this awesome performance! Meanwhile, several other marines let loose on the dance floor and show off some great moves. It just goes to show that they work hard and play hard, too!
The end of the performance is met by a standing ovation and overwhelming applause from the audience. Not only are these people working hard to protect the nation, but they’re also taking pride in every single endeavor they choose to go through and execute it to perfection. Wow!
It’s not this group’s first year doing these knock-down concerts! The year before, they did a “Gangnam Style” and “Thunderstruck” mashup, and the year before that – which was their first year doing a drag-out performance like this one, they did “Bohemian Rhapsody”. They’re clearly a talented bunch, and we can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with next year!