Xingyi Danielle lives in Singapore and her dad is stationed in China.
While visiting her dad in China, they ran into a group of people selling dogs. Now, you may have heard that people use dogs for food in Asia.
It is a very small group of people who do, millions of dogs are sold for slaughter every year.
The dogs Xingyi and her dad saw were alive inside bags and were being sold for their meat.
Xingyi’s dad couldn’t save them all – but he did save one!
You can see the poor pup in the bag, as if it wasn’t anything more than a sack of groceries.
Xingyi’s dad freed the dog and they named him Doggo.
Because his apartment doesn’t allow dogs, Doggo has been living at his office – but it is just temporary.
Once a better living situation is found, Doggo will move.
The important thing is that Doggo is alive! Doggo can’t help being a dog and has a few of his fellow office mates a little upset with the mess.
The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival (also known as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival) runs each year in late June.
According to the Huffington Post, approximately 10,000 dogs and cats are consumed every year.
Most of the dogs who are stolen from their homes and are either skinned alive or beaten to death.
Recent criticism and outrage has banned the sale of dog meat this year.
That is a step in the right direction!
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