Louisiana was flooded by heavy rains in August 2016. Josh Pettit got in his boat to see if he could help any of his neighbors. As he made his way, he saw a bush shake. He looked again and saw two eyes just above the surface – it was a dog!
The dog was barely able to breathe, and Josh knew the dog didn’t have much time left. They managed to pull the dog out of the water. The dog’s name was Sadie. Sadie was ever so grateful to be out of the water she crawled into Josh’s lap and moaned.

Image Credit: Josh Pettit / Facebook
As you can see Sadie is a big girl! (not a lap dog!). Josh got Sadie to a veterinarian who took care of her until her family was found. Happily, Sadie was reunited!

Image Credit: Josh Pettit / Facebook
Well done, Josh. Thank you for your efforts!

Image Credit: Josh Pettit / Facebook
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