In Turkey, a man took justice into his own hands on a city bus.
The man, 35, saw a woman wearing a skirt he felt was too short so, he kicked her in the face after yelling at her. Aysegul Terzi, 23, was severely bruised after her attack.
The entire incident was caught on the closed-circuit television system.
The reason? Her bottoms were ‘too short’.

Image Credit: euronews (in English) / YouTube
After the attack, the man confessed and told the police that the shorts Aysegul was wearing were inappropriate.
He said he got mad and that is why he acted the way he did. The unnamed man had previously been diagnosed with manic depression.

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In court, his ‘defense’ must have set well with the judge because he was acquitted.
The court said that he had committed no crime.

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To you, this may sound shocking, but in Turkey, this type of situation isn’t too uncommon.
Women are often victims of abuse some reports state that almost half of the women in Turkey are physically abused.

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The murder rate of women jumped by 1,400 percent between 2002 and 2009.
According to Al Jazeera, one woman was buried alive for listening to music that her family didn’t like.

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A spokesperson for Mor Cati, a women’s rights group in Europe, said that men will use violence to maintain their dominance or even when they feel threatened.
In this case, men can attack women if they don’t like what they are wearing.
My heart goes out to the women in Turkey. Life shouldn’t be that hard, and they deserve to be treated better.
Share away, people.