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Man Finds Stray Cat Eating Left Over Burger. Then Cat Lets Him Know She Needs Help

About a year ago, a man saw a rough looking tortie kitten outside a factory in Houston. The cat was trying to eat a leftover cheeseburger. When the kitten saw the man, she walked up and started to rub on his legs – she wanted some love.

stray cat

Image Credit: wollstone / Imgur

The man, Imgur used wollstone, recalls that the bat was near a box that had a blanket in it. She had been abandoned there, or someone had given her the box and leftovers – we may never know which one.

stray cat

Image Credit: wollstone / Imgur

The cat was soon after named Arya. Arya was certainly not going to let this nice human get away so easily.

stray cat

Image Credit: wollstone / Imgur

She worked her charms – and gave him those kitty cat eyes!

stray cat

Image Credit: wollstone / Imgur

There was no way that wollstone could resist! He actually went back to work and told his boss he had something to do and took the rest of the day off!

stray cat

Image Credit: wollstone / Imgur