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Little Girl With A Few Days Left To Live Has One Final Wish And It’s Just Beautiful

Eliza, the cat, was just skin and bones when she first came to Angels Among Us Pet Rescue. The staff at Angels Among Us Pet Rescue nursed her back to health. Eliza was waiting to be adopted when the rescue got a very sad call. A young girl named Kylie had only a few days left on earth. She had cancer and had made a wish. Kylie wanted to cuddle with a kitten.

Kylie’s family wasn’t really looking to adopt a kitten, however. Eliza was chosen to go be with Kylie – the rescue had ‘loaned’ Eliza out to the family for Kylie’s wish. Kylie’s face lit up the moment she saw Eliza.

That smile was one of Kylie’s last. Eliza cuddled with Kylie for the next two and a half days. It was as if Eliza knew what was going on. She put her tiny paw on Kylie’s shoulder and stayed put.