Has Simon Cowell turned a new leaf? Is he now going to be the nice judge on reality television shows? Personally, I hope not. Although I think he isn’t always very nice when he talks, he does know what he is talking about. This clip is from “America’s Got Talent, and it features Sara Carson and her Collie named Hero.

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After Sara and Hero had performed their pirate routine, two judges were unimpressed with their efforts. Howie and Mel B. Simon gave out two “No’s” for the girl and her dog, and Sara began to cry. She could see all her hard work amounting to nothing.

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But, then, Simon jumped on stage and did something no one could have ever predicted! Simon held Sara and actually started to plead with Howie to change his vote! Have you ever seen anything like that before? Watch the video to see what Howie did!
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