Shoes. We all need them and wear them daily. Unless you are on vacation, then you may not wear shoes for a few days! But, in any case, we all have to buy shoes to wear when we go out and about. There are many types of shoes from athletic to fancy dress shoes. These days you can find a shoe to match your mood and in a stunning array of colors!
My closet isn’t full of shoes, but I do have my favorite pair in there. The trouble is that I like them so much I am sometimes not willing to wear them because I don’t want to wear them out! What if I can’t find another pair just like them?
One option is that I could learn to make my own shoes – that way I could always have my favorite shoes round. In Japan, Kyoto Ohata makes her own shoes, and she has some people freaking out about her latest creation.

Image Credit: afishadaily
Ohata’s shoes are high heeled shoes that look exactly like pigeons!

Image Credit: afishadaily
Ohata loves to walk in the park that happens to have a lot of pigeons.

Image Credit: afishadaily
The birds typically scatter when people walk by – so, Ohata decided to make her feet look like pigeons to make the birds less afraid!

Image Credit: afishadaily