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Husband Embraces Wife On Ice. Within Seconds, Sultry Routine Makes Everyone’s Eyes Pop

Chris Knierim and Alexa Scimeca-Knierim took home the bronze medal for figure skating during the 2018 Winter Olympics, but this husband and wife pair have been wowing crowds even before!

Image Credit: YouTube

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the famous Celine Dion tune, “My Heart Will Go On”, from the well-renowned movie Titanic. Although it’s achieved a bit of a meme status now, it has always been a heartfelt and touching power ballad that’s a guaranteed tear-jerker.

Perhaps some have wondered what it would be like to see Christ and Alexa performing a routine to this song, but although they’ve never done that, we get to see what it would have looked like regardless!

Image Credit: YouTube

A YouTuber named Dustin Ward put together a concept video featuring Chris and Alexa’s amazing skating interlaced with My Heart Will Go On. The two fit so perfectly together than you’ll likely end up believing that it’s a real performance, and some websites have even mistakenly reported that the video is real! It’s amassed nearly 2 million views so far and features this talented pair performing incredibly physics-defying feats with nothing but grace and elegance.

It’s really no surprise that Chris and Alexa have become so well-known for their talents and skills, and it’s easy to see why they’ve got so many medals to their name! Through the muted audio of the original video, you can see the audience clapping pretty much constantly. So beautiful!