Does it bother you to see a dog’s head hanging out of a car window? Sure, they are probably enjoying the fresh air – but is it safe? No, it is not safe. Hunter and his owner were driving along a freeway overpass located in Tacoma, Washington when Hunter saw something and jumped out of the window! Hunter was not injured in the fall – but he landed on a steep cliff and got tangled in ivy.

Image Credit: Brooke Bova
The ivy actually saved his life, but now Hunter was stuck. Local firefighters and troopers from the Washington State Patrol arrived on the scene to try and get Hunter unstuck. Brooke Bova, one trooper, said they were working as fast as they could to get to Hunter, but were trying to figure out a safe way for everyone.

Image Credit: Brooke Bova
Then the first responders were approached by a homeless man who offered to climb up and get Hunter down. The homeless man said he lived under the overpass and was quite familiar with the terrain.

Image Credit: Brooke Bova