This is the story about a dog named Hero. Although at the beginning of the story, the dog had no name, he was just a homeless dog wandering the streets of Baldwin, Georgia. As any hero would do, the dog sprang into action to help someone in distress!

Image Credit: Carla Patton Welch / Facebook
Hero approached a man and a woman having an argument. The man had a knife and was about to stab the woman when Hero lunged!

Image Credit: YouTube
Hero was stabbed five times and when Sgt. Timothy Clay and Officer Daniel Seeley rushed him to a veterinary clinic for help.

Image Credit: Carla Patton Welch / Facebook
Hero had lost a lot of blood, but the veterinarian was able to get him stable enough for Carla Welch from Fighting for the Bullys to move him to Tennessee.

Image Credit: Carla Patton Welch / Facebook
Hero is still waiting for a forever home. If you are interested or know someone who can help, contact Fighting for the Bullys today! Share away, people.