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Girl Mistakes Bride For Real-Life Princess From Book She’s Holding, And Her Reaction Melts Everyone’s Hearts

In Disneyland, you have the opportunity to meet the park’s Disney princesses from their films, even though they are not real ones but only actors playing the part of their character. Not for this girl though, she met a real princess while walking on the streets of Seattle! Check out their story below!
Scott Robertson and his wife, Shandace Lerma, got married last year in February. While doing a bridal photoshoot, a girl and her mother were walking on the same street.

Image Credit: boredpanda

The girl suddenly exclaimed that Shandace was the very same princess in her book!

Image Credit: boredpanda

Pleasantly surprised, Shandace picked the girl up and took photos with her.

Image Credit: boredpanda

Even giving her a flower from her bridal bouquet as a gift!

Image Credit: boredpanda