You know when it is cold outside that you should bring your pets indoors – right? Or at least have some sort of shelter for them.
Just seems like common sense. But, some people don’t have much common sense.
A German Shepherd in Kansas City, Missouri was left outside, and the temperatures dropped to below zero.

Image Credit: Missouri German Shepherd Rescue
After nearly freezing to death, the dog was taken to Blue Pearl Emergency Clinic.
He has been dubbed Caeser and has since been moved to Plaza Animal Clinic.
The person who brought the dog in lied and said the dog was a stray.
The story soon changed once the microchip in the dog proved that he was no stray.

Image Credit: Missouri German Shepherd Rescue
Ceaser had been chained up his entire life, and his nails were so long they curled under.
Caeser has no teeth and is malnourished.
Happily, he is warm and comfortable and has a great future now!
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