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150 Terrified Piglets Get Rescued From Burning Barn, But Their Squeals Will Make Your Day!

You have probably heard of the ‘bucket brigade’ – right? If not – a bucket brigade is also called a human chain. It is a line of people who pass buckets of water to each other to try and put out a fire. That way no one has to run back and forth to get the buckets of water to the fire. It saves time and energy. Bucket Brigades are also used in assembly lines, according to

piglet rescue

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In an assembly line, the product being made is passed down the line from the worker to worker. Each worker does his or her work on the piece before it heads to the next person on the assembly line.

piglet rescue

Image Credit: N/A

Companies like Subway, Ford, Reader’s Digest, and The Gap use bucket brigades. In nature, some species of ants will use a bucket brigade to get food into the nest. This story is about a piglet brigade!

piglet rescue

Image Credit: N/A