Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers are served with a famous sauce. The recipe for that sauce used to be a secret until one former employee went on social media and spilled the beans! On Sept. 16 Twitter user @JanniAreYouOkay said the sauce was a combination of Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, garlic powder, mayonnaise, and ketchup.
For those of us who don’t have any Raising Cane restaurants near us – it is something to try! Raising Cane shot back saying that only the restaurant general managers are given the secret of the Cane’s sauce. But several users have reported success with the recipe @JanniAreYouOkay posted – with the amounts of those ingredients included!
Take a look at this recipe

Image Credit: Twitter
So, it is up to you if you want to try the sauce or not. If it is any good – let us all know, so we mix up a batch for ourselves! Personally, I enjoy my chicken tenders without any sauce at all! Share away, people.