The hero of this story is butter. Yes, just wait and you will see. Superglue. You have heard of it and probably used it from time to time. It is wonderful stuff if used properly. A 7-year-old Jack Russell mix named Finlay, was chewing on some mail (not really the best thing), but something in the gloss of a brochure made a superglue-like substance when it came into contact with his saliva – and his mouth got glued shut!

Image Credit: Mercury News
The vet, Scott Carpenter, was able to open his mouth using a combination of butter and hot water! Finlay’s owners are taking steps to make sure he doesn’t have access to the mail anymore.

Image Credit: Mercury News
I have heard that curiosity killed the cat – but never that chewing on mail could glue your mouth shut!

Image Credit: Mercury News
Share this story with your friends. Hopefully, no other dogs will have to go through what Finlay did.