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Dog Chained Up Without Food Or Water Tries To Jump Off Balcony In An Attempt To Free Herself

She would never again be forced to live in filth. Bella was given a foster home in the United States through the group Special Needs Rescue and Rehabilitation.

dog jumps off balcony

Image Credit: SNARR

Bella now lives in Texas! She has a larger yard to run in and a canine sibling! Bella will now live like a queen and has her very own comfy couch to sleep on! Do you know of dogs in your neighborhood that live chained up in the yard?

dog jumps off balcony

Image Credit: SNARR

Are the dogs thin? Do the humans take care of them during cold weather? Dogs that are being mistreated need our help. Don’t let any dogs (or any other animals) suffer in silence.

dog jumps off balcony

Image Credit: SNARR

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