Yes, this is a grown man, and he is crying. But you don’t have to feel too sorry for him. He is being sentenced to life in prison for his crime.
His name is Devante M. Gibbs, 24. Gibbs was convicted on February 10 in Ohio for one count of rape, one count of felonious assault and two counts of kidnapping.

Image Credit: N/A
His victim was a two-year-old girl.
According to the records, Gibbs assaulted the little girl and then put her in a scalding bath to try and remove the evidence. While the jury was deliberating, Gibbs escaped.
He was apprehended on March 3 (he had made it all the way to California).

Image Credit: Eric Bonzar / The Morning Journal
Gibbs maintained his innocence throughout the trial. He did take responsibility for the burns on the little girl.
Gibbs claimed to have drawn the bath for himself and then went outside to smoke because the water was too hot.
While he was outside, the little girl climbed into the tub.
The little girl also had tested positive for chlamydia, which Gibbs doesn’t have.

Image Credit: Eric Bonzar / The Morning Journal
He claims that is the proof that he didn’t rape her. But really, all that proves is that Gibbs didn’t give her chlamydia.
But, it does make you wonder where she got the disease. During the trial, Gibbs showed no remorse.
Meanwhile, the little girl is living with the emotional and physical scars.
The victim’s’ mother said her daughter is afraid to bathe and is embarrassed by the scars left behind from the burns.
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