An eight-month-old puppy was nearly decapitated in Fulton County, Georgia by a wire collar and was then surrendered to an animal shelter where he was rushed to emergency surgery. Rescue Dogs Rock NYC co-founder, Jackie O’Sullivan says the torture was intentional.

Image Credit: Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
Roger, the dog, was slowly being strangled to death while his owner stood by and watched, but thankfully, a good Samaritan called animal control and got Roger out of there before it was too late. Can you imagine how much pain Roger was in as the metal dug further and further into his skin?

Image Credit: Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
Doctors were not sure if Roger would survive the surgery – but he did and will need several months to recover fully, but he’s is on the mend! Roger’s mom was also living at the residence and has been removed. His former owner is now facing charges of animal cruelty.
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[h/t Pet Rescue Report]