Playing outside is not without its dangers. If you can find a place to play that is far from the road and cars, then you are lucky. Being able to run wild field has got to be exhilarating – if you are a dog, I am not sure many adult humans would frolic in a field for fun! Stinger was enjoying a day outside.

Image Credit: luvnpups
He is a deaf ten-month-old pit bull mix. Sadly, Stinger picked a very bad spot to roll around on and ended up getting stung by thousands of ground bees.

Image Credit: luvnpups
Not surprisingly, he had a terrible allergic reaction and was taken to the vet. The whole incident was just too much for Stinger’s human parents, so they just left him.

Image Credit: luvnpups
A rescue group in Michigan called LuvnPupz stepped in and is making sure Stinger is getting the proper medical care and a lot of TLC as he recovers.

Image Credit: luvnpups