The things people do sometimes to help an animal are just awe inspiring.
Craig Grossi is one of those people.
He was on an elite team of Marines serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan back in 2009.
The fighting his team went through the first few days in a remote part of that country was not for the faint of heart.

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
When the battle was over, Grossi saw something that was completely out of place – a white dog with some tan spots.

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
Most of the stray dogs traveled in a pack – but this little guy either had no pack or he had lost it.

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
Even though Marines were not allowed to interact with dogs, Grossi couldn’t help himself.

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
He offered the dog a piece of beef jerky and well, the rest is history.

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
With his simple offering, Grossi made a friend for life!

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
The dog was named Fred and soon became a part of the team.

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
When it came time for Grossi and his team to be sent to another part of the country, they put Fred in a duffel bag and let him come along!

Image Credit: Fred the Afghan
Grossi wasn’t able to get all the paperwork to get Fred shipped back home to the U.S. before he was redeployed.

Image Credit: Instagram / fredtheafghan (Craig Grossi)
Some people at a DHL shipping company said they would watch Fred.

Image Credit: Instagram / fredtheafghan (Craig Grossi)
Grossi didn’t plan to be gone long.
But, he was hit with a rocket and ended up in the hospital.

Image Credit: Instagram / fredtheafghan (Craig Grossi)
Finally, Grossi made it back and found Fred!

Image Credit: Instagram / fredtheafghan (Craig Grossi)
Fred is now living with Grossi here in the United States!

Image Credit: Instagram / fredtheafghan (Craig Grossi)
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