In the old west, if I remember my history well – the pioneers would take all the covered wagons and make a circle surrounding the camp if it was under attack. In this story, we don’t have any covered wagons in a circle – we have a few cows.
The cows didn’t make the circle to defend themselves, they had found something really interesting! In Lincolnshire, England, Ian Ellis had gone to the Frampton March Nature Preserve to do some bird watching. He had his telescope all set up. As he peered through the scope, he noticed the cows. They cows were all just standing there staring at the ground.

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Curious, Ellis walked over and saw the cows had discovered a baby seal. The baby seal was stuck in the mud. Now, bear in mind that the ocean was three miles away.

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How did the baby seal get this far away from the water? Ellis knew that the seal needed help. Rescuers took the baby seal to the Skegness Natureland Seal Sanctuary.

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She was treated for a lung infection, dehydration, and malnourishment. The new baby seal wasn’t the only seal at the sanctuary, she made a new friend, a seal named Charlie.

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