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Couples Explain Why They Can’t Vacate When Everyone’s Telling Them To Burn Their House

They often have banded legs and can be gray to brown in color – just like other species of spiders, they have eight eyes. Huntsman spiders can be found in New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia, Florida, Hawaii, and the Mediterranean!

giant huntsman spider

Image Credit: N/A

Adult Huntsman spiders do not build webs, they forage for food! They will live under loose bark, rocks, or on the ground under foliage. They also take up residence in crevices on rock walls – when you are this big, you go where there is room for you!

giant huntsman spider

GIF Credit: N/A

Their diet consists of invertebrates and insects. Huntsman spiders are not dangerous to people – but because they eat insects many people consider them beneficial! Most Australians will carefully relocate any Huntsman spiders to their gardens instead of killing them.

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