As of present, our men in blue have come under a lot of fire for their poor conduct and abuse of power.
This is a good thing, seeing as it weeds out those who do not deserve such a position of privilege.
After all, how can we expect to feel safe and protected when those who are supposed to ensure our safety prove themselves to be just as bad as – or worse than! – the criminals they are sworn to protect us from?

While plenty of bad apples abound in an organization as large and as varied as the nation’s police force, there are plenty of those who truly have their hearts and minds in the right place as well.
Chandler Mullinax, better known as C.J. Mullinax, is a police officer who works with the Horry County Police Department.
On the 28th of May, Officer Mullinax found himself being summoned to a fast food restaurant in South Carolina.
Specifically, a Hardee’s on a bypass near Surfside Beach.
The reason for the call?
There was a homeless man there begging for scraps.

As you can imagine, this was a pretty silly situation.
The homeless man, who had been a regular sight at the Hardee’s restaurant for the past few days, had been begging for scraps to survive.
Compassionate restaurant employees had no problems with his presence, and had been feeding the man with whatever they could afford to give away.
As it turns out, it was instead a heartless customer who had gotten upset and called up the police, in hopes of getting rid of the homeless man.

Instead of cuffs, however, the man was shown compassion.
Mullinax refused to submit this poor man to further suffering than what he was already going through.
Instead, he handled the situation with kindness, and simply asked if the man was hungry.
When he was told yes, Mullinax then offered to buy food for the homeless man, who requested for – and received – two cheeseburgers.
The whole exchange was caught on camera by a passerby named Victoria Paige Summer, who was astonished at just how well Mullinax dealt with the situation.
She later uploaded the video onto Facebook with her comment, where it quickly went viral.

As it turns out, Mullinax’s kind nature is well-known among the community, who all have something good to say about him.
This isn’t the first time he has ended up as the subject of a viral video either.
Back when he was still working with the Bennettsville police department, someone had recorded a video of him opting to play some football with a group of local kids after being called in on them.
The homeless man was later identified as a veteran who was simply known as “Donald.”
The local resident who identified the homeless man explained that he had served in the army from 1978 to 1981.
He then left the army and proceeded to do construction work until he was struck by a series of unfortunate events, which eventually led him to his current state of homelessness.
It is good that Mullinax showed this man some kindness, as it is certainly the last thing he needed.
SEE ALSO: Employee Pours Water On Homeless Man Who Fell Asleep While Charging His Phone